Custom Orthotics


How does Proper foot Support Assist with Body Posture?

Proper foot support allows the foot to rotate properly with each step and provides extra support in areas that are lacking. Proper arch support keeps the rest of the leg joints in alignment while walking. Remember that childhood song, “the foot is connected to the ankle bone and the ankle is connected to the knee bone” and so on? This holds true with the body’s posture. When the arches have proper support, the ankles rest in the correct position. This keeps the knees and hips in alignment and helps with proper posture.

There are many reasons why someone’s posture is off, and often the issue starts with the foundation… the feet.

Columbia Chiropractic Center uses Sole Supports custom fit orthotics that are created from a mold of your feet. This allows the orthotic to maintain constant contact with the soles of your feet. This contact will provide full support to your arch, giving you the corrected posture that you need.